What is skin laser? How is it good? Can it really solve a variety of skin problems?

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How good is skin laser? What skin problems can it help solve? Why do people like to do laser? Come find answers to all your questions about skin laser.

What is skin laser? How is it good? Can it really solve a variety of skin problems?

What is a laser?

          Laser is a high-energy light with a single wavelength that travels in a straight line, producing energy in the same direction. The laser focuses the light into a small spot, causing the light energy to be directed to the desired area. The use of laser skin treatment has been around since 1963. Since then, there has been more study and development of new types of lasers for the treatment of skin diseases, which are effective and highly safe.

How many types of skin lasers are there? What are they?

          There are many types of lasers, each with different properties. The doctor will decide which ufabet https://ufabet999.app type is most suitable for the disease or symptoms. Using the wrong type of laser is not only ineffective, but can also cause complications. The types of lasers include:

  • CO2 Lasers are generally a type of skin resurfacing laser used to treat scars, warts, wrinkles, and other deep skin defects.
  • Erbium Lasers This laser has both ablative and non-ablative types. It has the ability to create collagen, making it popular for treating wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.
  • Pulsed-Dye Lasers are usually non-irritating lasers. They heat the skin and absorb pigment to reduce redness, dark spots, and broken capillaries, which is why they can be used to treat varicose veins and birthmarks.
  • Fractional Lasers This laser breaks the laser energy into thousands of small beams to treat a small area of ​​the skin, so it takes less time. It is popularly used to treat freckles, age spots, and age spots.
  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) IPL is actually not a laser, but it is a treatment method that is similar to lasers and can address similar issues such as sun damage, vascular lesions, acne, and hyperpigmentation.

What skin problems can laser skin help with?

          Lasers can help solve a variety of skin problems, including:

  1. Vascular diseases of the skin, such as red birthmarks, broken capillaries, and varicose veins
  2. Pigmentation disorders such as moles, birthmarks, and acne scars
  3. Tattoo removal, where the choice of laser depends on the color, depth, and chemical characteristics of the tattoo ink.
  4. Wart Treatment
  5. Treatment of scars such as surgical scars, post-accident scars, or keloid scars.
  6. Reducing facial wrinkles
  7. Brightening skin tone and tightening pores
  8. Hair removal

Advantages of laser skin resurfacing

          Compared to other skin treatments, laser skin resurfacing has many advantages, for example:

  1. No damage to tissue surrounding the laser surgical wound
  2. There is very little chance of scarring from laser treatment.
  3. Reduce the incidence of wound infections
  4. The wound heals faster than with a blade surgery.
  5. Low risk and minimal blood loss
  6. It is rarely painful because the laser light seals off the nerve endings of the severed tissue.